The Story of a Jew Who Islamized Millions Of People
HIKMAH Wilayah Persekutuan
Friday, April 13, 2012
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Professor Dato’ Dr Abang Abdullah Abang Ali: Higher Education in Muslim Countries Need to Incorporate Islamic Values
By Shahfizal Musa
Pix by Courtesy of IKRAB
BANGI, 15 Mar. 2012- Muslim countries need to develop their own higher education blueprint based on Islamic values as the present curriculum adopted from the west has failed to cultivate an upright and virtuous society.
Adjunct Professor Dato’ Dr Abang Abdullah Abang Ali said current education system at the tertiary level such as in the west has also failed to produce graduates who are not only knowledgeable and skillful but imbued with high moral values.
He was giving a public lecture on “Higher Education in Islamic Countries: at a crossroad?” organised by Institute of West Region Studies (IKRAB), to highlight the need for change in higher education in Muslim dominated countries.
Prof Abang Abdullah is a professor with the Housing Research Centre, Faculty of Engineering Universiti Putra Malaysia. He is also an advisor to the proposed King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia and an honorary member of the Kazakhtan Engineering Academy.
He said Muslim countries realised there was a conflict of values promoted in the west against what Islam upholds. Though the conflict on values promoted in the west and Islam is striking enough, there was still a lack of commitment in Muslim countries to bring about change to conform to Islamic norms.
He said based on current realities if a system is not able to produce the result that is wanted it will also not be capable of meeting the objectives set.
Prof Abang Abdullah said the west’s education system has been adopted by Muslim countries ever since the fall of the Islamic Caliphate. Yet that system has not been able to provide a foundation for a stable civilization.
Capitalism is the master in the west, trampling everything that gets in its way. As result, there was now not only a yawning gap between the rich and poor, but morals are deteriorating, their economies are in turmoil and environmental pollution getting worse. Those are just a few of a long list of problems that beset the west, he said.
Capitalism only upholds profits and personal gains giving the arms industry, the fuel of the western economy as an example of excesses that comes with the system. The merchants of war sell their products to the world including Muslim countries which also buy the weapons only to sometimes use them to kill other Muslims, he said.
Prof Abang Abdullah recalled that attempts to shift Islamic higher education system from western approach were made in 1977 when the Organisation of Islamic Conference (OIC) adopted such a resolution.
The matter was again discussed in a forum of Vice Chancellors and Presidents of Islamic Universities in 2010 without instituting a plan of action for its implementation. The result was merely the setting up of two institutions of higher learning; the International Islamic University Malaysia and Institute of Technology Bangladesh.
These attempts were mere cosmetic changes to the structural defects that needed to be overhauled.
Prof Abang Abdullah said it was now critical for Muslim countries to make the changes otherwise they will face the same fate as the west.
Thus a new comprehensive and integrated plan for higher learning for Islamic countries have to be drafted. The education system to be adopted should be based on the Quran and Sunnah and be provided free with the budget supported by money from Zakat and Wakaf.
There has also to be proper selection of students and teaching staff. They should not be judged purely on their academic qualifications as their characters also needed to be given due consideration.
He said Muslim countries need to have the political will to develop their higher learning institutions based on Islam that is also relevant to the needs of the industry.
Present at the lecture was Director of IKRAB, Prof Dr Siti Rugayah Tibek; Director of the Centre for Corporate Planning and Leadership UKM, Prof Dr Noor Inayah Yaa’kub; Prof Dr Mohd Safar Hasim, the Principal Fellow of IKRAB, students and lecturers.
Pix by Courtesy of IKRAB
BANGI, 15 Mar. 2012- Muslim countries need to develop their own higher education blueprint based on Islamic values as the present curriculum adopted from the west has failed to cultivate an upright and virtuous society.
Adjunct Professor Dato’ Dr Abang Abdullah Abang Ali said current education system at the tertiary level such as in the west has also failed to produce graduates who are not only knowledgeable and skillful but imbued with high moral values.
He was giving a public lecture on “Higher Education in Islamic Countries: at a crossroad?” organised by Institute of West Region Studies (IKRAB), to highlight the need for change in higher education in Muslim dominated countries.
Prof Abang Abdullah is a professor with the Housing Research Centre, Faculty of Engineering Universiti Putra Malaysia. He is also an advisor to the proposed King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia and an honorary member of the Kazakhtan Engineering Academy.
He said Muslim countries realised there was a conflict of values promoted in the west against what Islam upholds. Though the conflict on values promoted in the west and Islam is striking enough, there was still a lack of commitment in Muslim countries to bring about change to conform to Islamic norms.
He said based on current realities if a system is not able to produce the result that is wanted it will also not be capable of meeting the objectives set.
Prof Abang Abdullah said the west’s education system has been adopted by Muslim countries ever since the fall of the Islamic Caliphate. Yet that system has not been able to provide a foundation for a stable civilization.
Capitalism is the master in the west, trampling everything that gets in its way. As result, there was now not only a yawning gap between the rich and poor, but morals are deteriorating, their economies are in turmoil and environmental pollution getting worse. Those are just a few of a long list of problems that beset the west, he said.
Capitalism only upholds profits and personal gains giving the arms industry, the fuel of the western economy as an example of excesses that comes with the system. The merchants of war sell their products to the world including Muslim countries which also buy the weapons only to sometimes use them to kill other Muslims, he said.
Prof Abang Abdullah recalled that attempts to shift Islamic higher education system from western approach were made in 1977 when the Organisation of Islamic Conference (OIC) adopted such a resolution.
The matter was again discussed in a forum of Vice Chancellors and Presidents of Islamic Universities in 2010 without instituting a plan of action for its implementation. The result was merely the setting up of two institutions of higher learning; the International Islamic University Malaysia and Institute of Technology Bangladesh.
These attempts were mere cosmetic changes to the structural defects that needed to be overhauled.
Prof Abang Abdullah said it was now critical for Muslim countries to make the changes otherwise they will face the same fate as the west.
Thus a new comprehensive and integrated plan for higher learning for Islamic countries have to be drafted. The education system to be adopted should be based on the Quran and Sunnah and be provided free with the budget supported by money from Zakat and Wakaf.
There has also to be proper selection of students and teaching staff. They should not be judged purely on their academic qualifications as their characters also needed to be given due consideration.
He said Muslim countries need to have the political will to develop their higher learning institutions based on Islam that is also relevant to the needs of the industry.
Present at the lecture was Director of IKRAB, Prof Dr Siti Rugayah Tibek; Director of the Centre for Corporate Planning and Leadership UKM, Prof Dr Noor Inayah Yaa’kub; Prof Dr Mohd Safar Hasim, the Principal Fellow of IKRAB, students and lecturers.
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Untuk Seluruh Ummat Islam dan Yang Mengaku Islam di Sarawak
Bacalah Al Qu'ran, Bacalah Al Qu'ran, bacalah, kerana sewaktu di akhirat nanti itu satu-satunya saja BUKU yang akan menyelamatkan kita dan kamu. Buku-buku lain walau apapun namanya dan sebesar mana ongkosnya waima ia bernama Das Kapital yang dihasilkan oleh Saudara Karl Marx, Mein Kamf oleh Fascist Hitler,Origin of the Species oleh Charles Darwin, A Brief History of Time oleh Stephen Hawking, Buku Dasar Ekonomi Baru (DEB) Dasar Ekonomi Malaysia, Politik Pembangunan atau 1 Malaysiakah tidak akan menyelamatkan kamu dan kita semua. Yang akan menyelamatkan kamu dan kita semua mengikut janji ALlah adalah ALlah dan BUKU yang telah diturunkan oleh ALlah bersama Pesuruh ALlah Nabi Muhammad Rasul ALlah (SAW) dan bacalah Doa Selepas Membaca Al-Quran: BismillaahirRahmaanirRaheem. Dengan nama ALlah yang maha pengasih, maha penyayang. Ya ALlah, dengan Al Qur'an, kurniakanlah kasih sayangMu kepada hamba. Jadikanlah sebagai imam, cahaya hidayah, dan sumber rahmat bagi hamba. Ya ALlah ingatkan hamba bila ada ayat yang hamba lupa mengingatnya. Dan ajarkan pada hamba, ayat yang hamba bodoh memahaminya. Kurniakan pada hamba kenikmatan membacanya, sepanjang waktu, baik tengah malam atau tengah hari. Jadikanlah Al Qu'ran sebagai hujjah, wahai Tuhan yang menguasai seluruh alam. (dan akhirilah doa ini dengan selawat ke atas Nabi SAW). Biasanya doa ini dinyanyikan selepas tadarus Al Quran.
Kiriman Dr A.Hasmadi A. Mois
Friday, March 9, 2012
Nasihat Yang Mengkagumkan Dari Seorang Saudara Yang Telah Kembali Kepada Islam
Sebelum HIKMAH SARAWAK ingin bercakap besar untuk berdakwah dan terus menyebarkan syiar Islam di kalangan penduduk bukan Islam di negeri Sarawak pada Perhimpunan Agung HIKMAH 2012 yang menjelang datang, memang ada baiknya seluruh HIKMAH SARAWAK melakukan introspeksi (muhasabah) dengan hati dan mata yang terbuka untuk melihat semula di mana sebenarnya kekuatan dan lebih-lebih lagi kelemahan pertubuhan kita supaya pertubuhan yang dulunya terkenal dengan namanya BINA, tidak tinggal sekarang hanya gah pada nama HARAKAH ISLAMIAH atau HIKMAH dan kosong pada perjuangan Islamnya yang sebenar.
Kempen dakwah yang utama ini harus bermula dari peringkat yang tertinggi sebelum usaha kita dibawa ke bawah ke peringkat grassroot sesuai dengan hukum alam bahawa air sungai tidak mengalir dari lembah naik ke kemuncak gunung, sebaliknya air dari gununglah yang turun ke lembah dan mengalir terus ke hilir dan ke laut.
HIKMAH SARAWAK harus bermula dengan satu kempen Mendakwah Semula Semua Pemimpin Yang Tertinggi, Yang Sederhana Tinggi, Pengurus, Pendokong dan Pendakwah HIKMAH SARAWAK menjelang Perhimpunan Agung Hikmah 2012. Semua ahli HIKMAH SARAWAK harus disadarkan semula kepada cogan kata dan sumpah atau Piagam HIKMAH SARAWAK:
HIKMAH SARAWAK harus bermula dengan satu kempen Mendakwah Semula Semua Pemimpin Yang Tertinggi, Yang Sederhana Tinggi, Pengurus, Pendokong dan Pendakwah HIKMAH SARAWAK menjelang Perhimpunan Agung Hikmah 2012. Semua ahli HIKMAH SARAWAK harus disadarkan semula kepada cogan kata dan sumpah atau Piagam HIKMAH SARAWAK:
"(Kul) Inna Solaatii Wa Nusukii Wa Mahyaaya Wa Mamaati lillaahi Robbil'aalamiin" ~ yang bermaksud Katakanlah (Muhammad) Sesungguhnya shalatku ibadahku, hidupku dan matiku, hanyalah untuk ALlah, Tuhan Semesta Alam ...." (Al-An'am: 162)
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Mesyuarat Agung Hikmah Bahagian/Cawangan Wilayah Persekutuan 2012
Mesyuarat telah diadakan dengan kehadiran muka2 Muslim dan Muslimah baru yang terdiri daripada golongan profesional dan pelajar2 universiti tempatan. Ada beberapa ahli baru yang turut hadir adalah bekas pemimpin2 persatuan pelajar Islam sama ada di Universiti Malaya maupun di Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Pemilihan AJK untuk 2012-2015 telah menampilkan beberapa orang barisan pemimpin Muslim dan Muslimah yang baru. Mesyuarat dengan sebulat suara telah memilih Prof Datu Hj Abang Abdullah bin Ali sebagai Pengerusi Hikmah WP untuk menggantikan mantan pengerusi HikmahWP Dr Hj Awang Hasmadi Awang Mois yang kini bertugas di sebuah universiti di negara jiran. Sdr Bob Hashahari kekal menjadi Setusaha HikmahWP untuk sesi yang baru. Saudara Riziandi pula telah dipilih untuk menjadi Timbalan Pengerusi.
Tempat : Restoran Lengkuas Bandar Baru Bangi
Masa : 8 malam sehingga 11.30 malam
Tarikh : 3hb Mac, 2012
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Busana Yang diperagakan di Festival Busana Islam Dipersoal: NGO Islam nak buat apa?

KUALA LUMPUR, 20 Okt: Para pemimpin NGO Islam disarankan agar mengkaji tindakan isteri perdana menteri, Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor yang disifatkan sebagai menghina Islam ketika menganjurkan Islamic Fashion Festival (IFF).
Bagi anggota Parlimen Titiwangsa, Dr Lo' Lo' Ghazali, IFF jelas menghina islam apabila menggunakan nama agama untuk mengesahkan tindakan penganjuran pertunjukan yang tidak wajar itu.
Lebih malang, tulisan "Muhammad" dalam tulisan Arab secara terbalik diguna dan dipakai di dada salah seorang peraga fesyen yang tidak menutup aurat.
"Kita berarak bantah kartun Nabi yang dibuat di Denmark, di sini di Malaysia, seluruh maruah Islam ditelanjangkan oleh IFF tersebut," kata Lo' Lo' kepada Harakahdaily.
Beliau mengulas IFF yang dianjurkan oleh Rosmah baru-baru ini. Walaupun dinamalkan Islamik tetapi fesyen yang diperagakan tidak sesuai dengan Islam bahkan Rosmah sendiri tidak memakai pakaian yang sesuai dengan Islam ketika merasmikan program IFF itu.
Lo' Lo' juga kesal dengan sesetengah NGO Islam yang dipergunakan untuk menyokong bajet yang dibentangkan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib.
"Saya dapat maklumat ada beberapa NGO Islam diminta membuat memo menyokong bajet PM.
"Saya nak tanya NGO-NGO Islam ni, tak terasa langsung ke nak bantah penghinaan terhadap Islam oleh Rosmah atas penganjuran Islamic Fashion Festival yang penuh dengan kemungkaran dan kemaksiatan terhadap Allah serta pengkhianatan atas muslimah seluruhnya?" tanya Lo' Lo'.
Busana Muslim?,
Religion in Malaysia: Bisnis
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Padri Ektremis Yang Mengancam Pembakaran Al-Quran Sudah Cabut ...
Friend: Pastor who planned Quran burn flying to NY
By MIKE SCHNEIDER, Associated Press Writer – 27 mins ago
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – An associate of the pastor who once planned to burn copies of the Quran to mark the 9/11 anniversary says the Rev. Terry Jones is headed to New York aboard a Friday night flight.
K.A. Paul, a Christian evangelist who runs a ministry in Houston, says he bought the ticket for Jones to fly out of Orlando and land around 10:15 p.m. in New York. Paul provided The Associated Press with a copy of the itinerary and flight confirmation number.
Jones has said he planned to meet with the imam overseeing a proposed mosque and Islamic center to be built near ground zero.
Paul says Jones was able to sneak out of his Gainesville church without the media noticing.
Earlier Friday, Jones' son, Luke, said that the Quran-burning won't take place Saturday but couldn't say whether there would be a future event.
Yahoo! News
By MIKE SCHNEIDER, Associated Press Writer – 27 mins ago
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – An associate of the pastor who once planned to burn copies of the Quran to mark the 9/11 anniversary says the Rev. Terry Jones is headed to New York aboard a Friday night flight.
K.A. Paul, a Christian evangelist who runs a ministry in Houston, says he bought the ticket for Jones to fly out of Orlando and land around 10:15 p.m. in New York. Paul provided The Associated Press with a copy of the itinerary and flight confirmation number.
Jones has said he planned to meet with the imam overseeing a proposed mosque and Islamic center to be built near ground zero.
Paul says Jones was able to sneak out of his Gainesville church without the media noticing.
Earlier Friday, Jones' son, Luke, said that the Quran-burning won't take place Saturday but couldn't say whether there would be a future event.
Yahoo! News
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